Monday, May 24, 2010

Mandy's 20th Birthday, Celebration #1 !!!

Yesterday ( Sunday) , We had a small celebration for Miss. Mandy's 20th bithday, she wanted to do something, where she could invite her friends from school. So after looking around at diffrent options she chose Chuck E Cheese !! I have only been to 1 party there, so I was not sure what to expect , WOW what a wonderful surprise and Oh My Gosh, the girls had so much FUN!!! Playing games, eating pizza and who could forget , YUMMY Birthday Cupcakes !!

One of the Mom's has been taking pictures in our class forever ! she does such a GREAT job, when I asked if she would take the pics of Mandy's party, she graciously accepted ! I could'nt choose just a few SO, I am including a link to the "SmileBox" she created for Mandy !!

Guests of the Party were:

The Birthday Girl, Mandy

Charleene ( with her Mom Patty)

Chelsea ( with her Mom Vickie)

Kaidee ( was brought by a friend )

Sarah Jane( With her Mom Becky , who was our "photographer")

ENJOY The SmileBox ( Link below) , The Kids ALL had such a GREAT Time!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Trailhead Youth Ranch

This morning, Mandy and I got up. and, got ready to have a fun day at a Grand Opening, of a GREAT Youth ranch. One of Mandy's friends Mom, came and picked us up. and we headed out to Palo Cedro, where the ranch is just in the infancy stage of beginning ! WOW were we impressed !! And to our surprise, we found another of Mandy and Mara's classmates ! They were ALL so excited , the smiles and giggles made everyone of us Mom's glow with glee ! and, the volunteer's were so accepting and just as excited as we all were

This Ranch is wonderful! after "Checking in , it was off to more fun ! there was something to do it seemed at every booth or table a long the way ! and The many things you could do and see that had to do with horses, were endless! and, dropped in randomly, there were things to do with and for other animals !

This goat was so CUTE!!! , there must have been something really special, in that hole his face
was in !

The girl's LOVED these little chicks, I know Mandy wanted to "HUG" them, it was a little hard for her to understand that they were VERY tiny and that she had to be VERY Careful when touching them ! After seeing how small they were, she was VERY gentle with them,

it was so cute , each of the girls took a turn holding them, then would hand them to the next !

Danielle's turn 1st to Love the little chickie

"The hand off"

After seeing the many animals that were there. we got the chance to feed, a few of the goats some of their "Treats" , the girls did'nt know it but, those goat were sure eager and happy to get their goodies , YUM I am sure they were loving ALL the people who were there,becaue EVERYONE wanted to feed them ! at one point, a goat came and jumped up on me,cuz it thought I had MORE!!! here are a few of their pictures ! Mandy was in her "glory" they loved having someone to pay attention to them, and she LOVED petting them !!

There was a little wait for it, but, the girls all wanted to do whatever they could with the horses ! We went inside one of the many barn's and Mandy asked me "Why is that horsie, laying down"? I had NO answer, so I just said "Maybe she's tired"? lol and she said OK and bounded on !!!

After that, it was on to meet the horses, and then take a ride !! I thought "OHOH" Miss. Mandy HATES hats, and they were putting helmets on the kids before they rode, SURPRISINGLY , She let them put it on her and she actually Left it on, for the duration of the ride !!

OH , now its my turn to ride !!!! Mandy LOVED this, getting up on the horse,and being led around the ring , when I asked her if she liked it, she said "YES I DO, I need to tell my dad !

I am so glad we had a Bethany there. She was able to get some GREAT pictures of Mandy , I am so SHORT and when I looked to snap a picture, all I saw was FENCE !! guess that's what happens when your SHORT like me !!!!

Mandy LOVES her friends, and loved the day !!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010



Today, was the annual fishing trip, to Shea Sand & Gravel. A Field Trip that I know Many of the kids look forward too every year! I know Mandy starts talking about the next one, almost immediately , She looks forward to it.

Everything was AWESOME.....from the fully stocked pond for fishing, to a yummy lunch , to seeing so many of Mandy's teachers from years ago !

I was not there,but, I was told that Mandy caught a BIG Fish, and when her fishing buddy suggested they take it up to be weighed , The compassion in my girl came out, when she said NO, I want to throw him back.

There was even a visit from Smokey The Bear......Mandy thought he was so cool, he gave her a HUG !

Below, I have posted a couple of pictures of just a few of the MANY volunteers, who make this day such a SUCCESS !!

The grill master who cooked the hot dogs etc !!

The ladies who assisted serving !!

Best Friends Forever !!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Shea Sand and Gravel for another FANTASTIC DAY !!!