Sunday, April 18, 2010



Today , Mandy and I decided to get up and enjoy the GORGEOUS weather we were having! so we decided to go downtown and enjoy Kool April Nights. we caught the shuttle down town. our 1st driver was, Lou( pictured, top left) and coming home this afternoon, we rode back with Harlan ( pictured on the right ! we had so much fun,seeing the old car's , and, there were MANY of them ! we found our favorites

I'm not a car fan, to the point I don't know names of many of these car's but this one, Mandy is standing by was so cool! would be the perfect size for her ! she was a little bummed when I told her we could'nt take it home !!

This was my pick of the entire event ! it was so precisely done,the owner told me when he got it, it was nothing more than a shell of a body! they re did EVERYTHING !!! he said it took more than a decade to get it "Just right"!!

Mandy, LOVED ALL the cars, but her fav. was a "Cop Car" from Chico ! it was a CHP vehicle from the early days!!

Damian had to work today, so Mandy chose a baseball hat for him, and, summed everything up ....she said "We NEED TO COME BACK TO HERE, ANOTHER TIME, WITH MY DAD" !

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